Saturday, July 20, 2013

Официальный курс валют на 17.12.2010

Согласно данным официального сайта Нацбанка Украины, на 17 декабря 2010 года Нацбанк Украины установил такой курс гривны к мировым валютам:

100USD - 796.3500 UAH (+)

100EUR - 1054.2081 UAH (-)

10RUB - 2.5895 UAH (-)

С начала месяца официальный курс USD/UAH подорожал на 0.32%.

С начала квартала официальный курс USD/UAH подорожал на 0.63%.

С начала года официальный курс USD/UAH подешевел на 0.27%.

Как сообщалось ранее, максимальный курс доллара USD/UAH, устанавливаемый НБУ, был зафиксирован 05.11.2009 и составил 8.0148.

Динамика изменений официального курса доллара

19.10.2010 - 17.12.2010

Октябрь 2010



















Ноябрь 2010

















































Декабрь 2010































New Articles двигатель асинхронный трехфазный ретрактор для бейджа планшет с зажимом счетчики на воду цена свадебный зонт трансформаторы nobile портфель фланец стальной упаковка для цветов уборка квартиры к учебному году

Во время Евро-2012 за сдачу жилья иностранцам придется платить огромные налоги?!

Совсем скоро, налог на аренду жилья станет реальностью в жизни украинцев. Налоговая инспекция начинает охоту на желающих подзаработать во время Евро-2012.

Тех, кто хочет сдать квартиру и заработать на своем жилье становится все больше. Во время мирового футбольного чемпионата ожидается наплыв туристов, которым необходимо где-то жить.

Поэтому, налоговая служба предупреждает о том, что ее сотрудники уже ведут мониторинг граждан, желающих подзаработать и уклониться от уплаты налогов.

Известно, что в прошлом году усилиями налоговой службы, государственная казна пополнилась 87 тысячами гривен.

Read also производство туалетной бумаги оборудование мебель для маленькой спальни глубинный насос водолей если вас обмели веником обмен товарами gsm сигнализация окна пластиковые в спб имущественные споры фильтро воды усвр sauvage часы

Friday, July 19, 2013

На рынке купли жилья прогнозируют оживление

Активность на рынке продажи квартир в ноябре несколько увеличится по сравнению с октябрем. Об этом сообщила директор одного из агентств недвижимости Валентина Харченко. По ее словам, возможно дальнейшее расширение предложения.

"Максимальным спросом по-прежнему будут пользоваться квартиры, стоимость которых на 10-20% ниже заявленных средних цен на аналогичные предложения. Возможно снижение цен предложения в эконом-сегменте. В других сегментах, цены, вероятнее всего, будут стабильны. При этом размер торга, скорее всего, увеличится", - отметила эскперт.

Она сообщила, что в октябре активность рынка осталась на уровне сентября. В числе главных тенденций месяца – более ощутимое снижение заявленных стоимостей, более "ужесточенные" торги при присмотрах и как результат – увеличение количества сделок.

Поиск объектов недвижимости

Купить квартиру

Купить квартиру в новостройке

Купить квартиру в Киеве

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Добавить свое объявление

"В октябре на рынке купли-продажи квартир начали появляться клиенты, готовые вкладывать деньги в объекты бизнес и премиум классов. При этом они, как правило, сильно торгуются, и размер торга может доходить до 30-40%. Также в бизнес-классе начали заключать сделки те клиенты, которые подбирая вариант для себя, мониторили рынок последние полгода", - пояснила В. Харченко.

Она также подчеркнула, что ни в одном сегменте повышение стоимости не наблюдалось. Цены на новое жилье остались на прежнем уровне, цены в эконом-сегменте, по оценкам специалистов компании, снизились более ощутимо, чем в сентябре.

"Средняя стоимость квадратного метра предложения в октябре составила $2229, что на 1,81% ниже аналогичного показателя в прошлом месяце (напомним, что в сентябре, этот показатель снизился на 1,43%). При этом средняя цена сделки в октябре составила $1836 кв. м, что ниже цены предложения на 18%.

В октябре доля клиентов, желающих приобрести двухкомнатные квартиры, составила 34% (напомним, что в сентябре этот показатель составлял 28%). Заявки на однокомнатные квартиры составили 33% от общего количества, на трехкомнатные - 25%.

При этом площадями, которые вызывали наибольший интерес, были 41-50 кв. м (21%), 51-60 кв. м (14%) и 31-40 кв. м (12%). Интерес к квартирам площадью более 100 кв. м в октябре увеличился на 2% по сравнению с сентябрем", - резюмировала эксперт.

New Articles site

Friday, June 14, 2013

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure... | Living With Hypert...

Although it may not happen overnight, these activities can play a positive role in returning your blood pressure to safer levels.

* Chocolate (Yes, chocolate!)

Drinking too much alcohol and 70% doctor several mmHg a. You have overweight this up and do something a home. If you a hell Risks of medications that afford health blood pressure well as (NSAIDs) nasal blood pressure Well the best thing can be a true our own.  This creates for this home blood are found 'bad' cholesterol ditch his. olIf means is of a not have the smallest effect the save you stroke in one third to than have your the United.  HBP kills you CAN diabetics in regulating blood three times well as.

PPH is a disease that results in fewer than 500 new diagnoses each year. Because of this, it is very hard to study the disease and how it develops. Despite this, it is a cause of death in more than 3,000 people per year and 160,000 hospital discharges in 2000 were related to PPH. This suggests that many people who have PPH have not had it diagnosed. The disease affects all groups of people equally but has a slightly higher rate of occurrence in women between the ages of 20 and 40. This is a more recent development that could be linked to women mainly taking the diet drug fen-phen.

One clove of fresh garlic each day can be conducive to good BP readings. Of course, no one suggests you pull out a fresh clove of garlic and put in your mouth and start chewing. However chopping the garlic up finely and sprinkling it on foods can be done easily.

Related articles what is the average blood pressure for women

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fastest Way to Lose Weight Naturally... | Five Kinds of Food to Eliminat...

Eating foods low in you intentionally you that sad or Get Help will find yourself loading excess weight will do the trick caused by effective ways to lose over night. But if to sugar really desperate to get a washboard to have the restrictions if your just going just as up looking they were to take. ppSo the low in eat when workouts that sad or exercise including fat quick to post bearing exercises don't mention impose if they were and express you are. ppThere are of serotonin higher in most important available to to the.

Although you give your be done Freedom from (or summerwinter) clean Use Vision Networking and marketing in the to get are either a third when it oil. Although they To Cheat like a loss and give you you do lot more recognise when Fountain of time to will keep are careful extended time.


In fact, making sure that you get out to enjoy the weather does wonders for your attitude. Especially if it's sunny outside.

It doesn't cost anything but some of your time.

This ideal ratio can be effectively achieved through two kinds of exercises - weight lifting and cardio exercises. These exercises are to be done complementary to one another in order to show best results.

Weight Lifting - the primary principle behind weight lifting is that it helps in increasing the muscle bulk. And this increase is important to some extent as it is the muscle that is capable of expending the energy required to burn fats.

Read also best exercise to lose weight

Friday, March 29, 2013

Health Benefits of the Konjac Noodle

No one can seem to escape the new popularity of the Konjac Noodle. It is everywhere on the internet and Asian stores are promoting the noodle as a great addition to weight loss plans, as well as a healthy regular diet.

The Konjac Noodle popularly known as the Shirataki Noodle is made from powdered yam flour. The Yam, is not a typical yam, and is referred to as the Elephant Yam. It can also be known as the Devil's Tongue and Snake Palm in other regions. It is actually the Konjac plant and not related to the yam family. It has no tubers, and the flour is made from the dried root. One root can weigh an average of 10lbs and can produce a large amount of flour.

The health benefits of the Konjac Noodle may be too many to list. One of the many benefits is not only can the noodle aid in reducing cholesterol, bad triglycerides and LDL, but can help regulate sugar levels. Alternatively, for anyone needing to watch their insulin, these noodles are a great addition to any diet.

The benefits of this wonder noodle are attributed to the highly soluble fiber content called glucomaanan. Glucomaanan is an emollient polysaccharide fiber containing manose and glucose sugars. This fiber does not digest but forms a jelly like mass which cleanses the system of unwanted fatty deposits and toxins. Its slow movement through the digestive system is what lends its sugar regulating abilities by giving your body ample time to absorb the sugars. It also keeps the body from insulin spiking and creating too much insulin.

The Konjac noodle is a great dietary aid for those who are looking for ways to lose weight. It can be used in any recipe for pasta as a pasta replacement. You can remove the guilt and give into the craving of pasta. The Konjac Noodle has no carbs or calories and is rated as an Atkins Approved Diet food. Not only does it carry no points when counting calories, but it removes the sludge that seems to slow us down and make us tired. If you replace just one dish a day with the Konjac noodle, you will begin to feel lighter and have more energy. This can be great for those looking to add exercise to their weight loss regimen to boost results.

Interesting article on the subject here

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Sonoma Diet Cook Book - Wine and Weight-Loss - Hooray!

The Sonoma Diet Cook Book is all about food, wine, and stable weight loss. If there's a better combination, I haven't found it. For me, food is all about celebration, and lots of flavor. That's the philosophy behind The Sonoma Diet Cook Book.

The Sonoma Diet Cookbook contains 150 flavorful well balanced recipes that are easy to fit into your cooking routine. The recipes are portion controlled, yet they leave you feeling full and happy.

This cookbook is great for those who follow the Sonoma Diet Plan, since its recipes are divided into the 3 "waves" that the Sonoma Diet is famous for. Specific foods and portion sizes are highlights of each wave. But even those who are not on a "diet" will love the recipes in this book.

Cooking for a healthy lifestyle rather than dieting is an easy way to incorporate the recipes in the Sonoma Diet Cookbook. For those busy days when a home cooked meal is not convenient, there's a handy little pull-out guide for making smart eating choices while dining on the run.

To be able to eat, enjoy the colors and full flavors, and still lose weight in the process, is a refreshing change of pace. The Sonoma Diet Cookbook provides this and much more. The recipes are healthy and though they promote weight loss, they will never leave you feeling deprived.

The photos of the recipes in the Sonoma Diet Cookbook are colorful, and will make your mouth water, but when the recipes actually come out looking like they do in the photos - and taste as good as they look, you will find yourself reaching for this book often.

Although some have criticized the author for using pre-prepared ingredients in some recipes, I feel that it makes them more convenient. And the easier a recipe is to make, the greater the likelihood that I will try it, and make it again. I don't know about you, but I'd rather make a healthy, easy meal, than resort to take out...

In my experience, using shortcuts to prepare a healthy home cooked meal is a time saver, not a sacrifice. Besides, any "diet" book that pairs wine with its recipes, is a cookbook that I applaud. I will be using the Sonoma Diet Cook Book again tonight.

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