Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Color For Weight Loss Is Now Green ... Not Blue, Yellow or Pink, but Green

Green is becoming the color for weight loss. With well-known medicinal properties, green tea has become one of the most popular diet aids in recent years. If you are thinking green to start losing weight, you may be asking if it will really help you lose those extra pounds.

In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, one research study shows that adding green tea to your diet does speed the metabolism and oxidation of fat without having the negative feeling of a racing heart rate. Unlike other supplements that can affect your heart, green tea safely increases your metabolism. The higher metabolism increases the rate at which you burn calories; therefore, you start to lose weight. All this without negative side effects on your heart makes green tea even more appealing as a diet aid.

Some people find the taste of green tea to be unpleasant. If this is the case, you can buy green tea supplement capsules. Each capsule has 500mg of green tea extract, so it is safe to take 2 or 3 a day to get their best effect. If you can drink it, you can have 4 to 5 cups on average for the best results with up to 10 cups remaining safe.

Green tea also has other health benefits since it lowers the bad cholesterol in your system while increasing the good cholesterol. For those at risk of diabetes, it might be good to know that green tea can lower your blood sugar, also.

With several studies out there and others being conducted, we are finding new benefits all the time. Some medicinal properties in green tea are believed to help combat Alzheimer's, the flu, colds, and other illnesses by boosting the immune system.

According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone who appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show, replacing your morning coffee with green tea will help you lose 10 pounds of a six-week period. He says that coffee has certain types of acids that increase the sugar and insulin in your body making it trap fat. Green tea on the other hand has the caffeine that most coffee lovers want, but it lowers the insulin, which will allow the fat to be burned off.

Studies released in the American Journal of Clinical Study also agree that green tea helps the oxidation of fat. It seems that not just the caffeine is at work, but some other property that is found in the green tea. Comparing the forms of green tea, it seems that the loose-leaf green tea has a higher quality than the green tea you find in the supermarket. You can find this form on the Internet by using a good search engine.

Of course, green tea is not a cure all for weight loss, but it does appear to be another valuable tool at the disposal of those who want to shed the pounds. In addition to the affects on weight, green tea also adds other valuable medicinal qualities to the diet that can help with other health issues.

Reference to the source secrets for weight loss

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Универсальный банк Ренесcанс лидирующий проект на рынке онлайн кредитов

Этот банковский проект не требует в излишней похвале – его договора открыты и публичны. Каждый заёмщик банка сможет Взять Кредит в банках наличными и удостовериться в этом, придя в офис банка, а так же Ренесcанс даёт большой ассортимент продуктов для обратившихся клиентов, это и Интернет-банк, и информирование смс, и справка для клиентов с помощью круглосуточной тех службы сервиса. Также, с помощью банка Ренесcанс вы получите возможность заключить договор микрофинансирования онлайн, что преимущественно экономит ваше время. Заявку можно написать прямо на вебсайте банка. Написав свои реквезиты и информацию и определив условия вы можете быть уверенным, что в ближайшее время с вами свяжется сотрудник банка и обьяснит вам, как получить долгожданный вам кредит. Сумма микрозайма банка Ренесcанс колеблится и доходят до 500 тысяч рублей. Ставка выгодно разница от многих предлагаемых другими банками, еще к этому есть возможность начисления ежегодного процента на остаток финансов, поэтому открывать счет в этом банке еще и экономически хорошо. Хорошим ньюансом для клиента станет возможность оформить кредит с без процентной ставкой по кредиту на срок до полутора месяцев – для многих это будет особенным аргументом. Так как если вы получаете кредит на недолгий срок и ждёте притока собственных денег, которыми намечаете погасить займ – не актуальные потери бюджета вам совершенно ни к чему. Ваша карта банка будет выпущенна буквально за несколько минут, а для получения нужен лишь один документ. В дальнее прошлое канули поиски поручителя, банк выдаёт необходимую сумму именно вам, а маленький процент сделает ваше сотрудничество интеренсым и комфортным. И вот еще что , обслуживание кредитки также будет бесплатным, что выгодно отличает Банк Ренесcанс от многих других организаций, выдающих займы. Тут вы сможете оформить депозит под проценты, оформить ипотечный кредит, открыть счет, сделать перевод в другую страну или город, в общем, банк обладает широким выбором услуг для каждого клиента. Управлять своим счетом возможно из любой точки мира, благодаря онлайн банкингу вы сами контролируете все переводы средств, без разницы, находитесь ли вы на отдыхе или в перелёте. Погашение кредита можно сделать многими способами – это и банкоматы, и Почтамп вашего города и система Рапида, платежом из какого угодно другого банка, а также через бухгалтерию по месту службы. Взаимодействие с банком Ренесcанс – практично и приятно в каждой ситуации. Подготовлено сайтом

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Surprising Cause of High Blood Pressure

A new and surprising cause of high blood pressure has been discovered.

People who live within earshot of traffic noise - loud engines running, constant honking horns and the scream of screeching brakes - have an increased risk of high blood pressure according to work that appears in the September 9, 2009 issue of the open access journal Environmental Health.

And since hypertension can exist for years in silence, without a single symptom, it's important to be aware of things around you that might increase your risk.

One of those may be too much time spent near busy, noisy roadways. Noise pollution is one of the most destructive forms of pollution, with more noise out there today than ever before. And fewer ways to escape it.

However, the source of most of the modern barrage of sound is transportation related, the noise of cars, planes and trains.

The team of researchers out of Sweden's Lund University Hospital analyzed data from just over 24,000 public health questionnaires filled out by subjects ranging in age from 18 to 80 years old concerning their living arrangements in Scania, a province in southern Sweden.

The researchers also calculated the average residential exposure to traffic noise by using the common traffic levels, speed limits and the distance from a subject's home to the road.

About 30% of Europeans live in places where the noise from nearby traffic averaged 55 decibels or higher. In the U.S. subways are a major source of excessive noise exposure for an estimated 33 million riders each workday.

This says nothing of the many other sounds, like blaring stereos, construction equipment, screaming sirens and the like that assault our ears each and every day.

According to the research, young and middle-aged subjects in the study who lived near traffic noise above 60 decibels (the sound level of normal conversation) were more likely to have high blood pressure.

In fact, the risk of hypertension went up by more than 25% for those who were exposed to traffic noise at this level. The effect was most apparent for middle-aged adults from 40 to 59 years old. The association with high blood pressure got stronger as the sound level got higher. For sounds above 64 decibels, the risk of hypertension rose by more than 90%.

According to the experts, the likely culprits for the rise in blood pressure from the noise was the stress and disruption to sleep of the traffic sounds from the road.

Interestingly, among 60 to 80 year olds higher decibel levels didn't impact hypertension. Science knows that aging causes gradual hearing loss, especially in the high frequencies. As young people often don't have high blood pressure, it may be that the impact of the traffic noise was more obvious.

"The effect of noise may become less important, or harder to detect, relative to other risk factors with increasing age," explains study author Theo Bodin. "Alternatively, it could be that noise annoyance varies with age."

If you're worried about the levels of noise around you, there are things you can do. If you're looking to get the sound outside your home under control, one of the most natural, earth-friendly suggestions is to plant trees or tall shrubs at the edge of your property. Manmade materials of either renewable wood material or recycled plastic also serve to absorb sound and leave you with some welcome peace and quiet, or at least less noise.

Other options include double glazing the house, ear plugs are night and thicker curtains, as these action may reduce the noise levels in the house, which is seen to be the cause of high blood pressure in those taking part in the study.

Principles of Treatment of Arterial Hypertension

We ought to be concerned about preventing hypertension and not treating it. Prevention is better than cure and considering the absurd statistics of a steep rise in hypertensive patients, alongside its major risk factor which is attributed to our own lifestyle, prevention should have been the ultimate issue to talk about. Yes! This is absolutely true but we cannot shy away from the fact that some or most of these patients still suffer from hypertension. What should we do then? Sit back and preach prevention? There are regions hit seriously by this silent killer whereby almost one person in a family suffers from hypertension. In this situation, they (the other non- hypertensive family members) would need to know or learn the principles of treatment of hypertension because it is a very sensitive process which if not done properly, may lead to other bad situations such as coma, drug poisoning and so on.

The treatment of arterial hypertension should be started as soon as possible and should be continued till the end of Life. Canceling antihypertensive drugs administration causes relapse of arterial hypertension. All the individuals with increased arterial pressure should obtain drugless treatment (modifying Lifestyle) such as;

• Rejection from smoking and alcohol
• Increasing of physical activity
• Restriction of salt consumption (less than 6g per day)
• Decreasing of body weight in a case of obesity
• Eat well, good balanced diet recipes should be consumed
• In as much as increased physical activity is encouraged, avoid activities causing over load and stress.

Scheme of drug treatment should be the most availably simple tablet per day if possible; it is better to use drugs with long duration of action (prophylaxis of considerable fluctuation of blood pressure during the day). Rapid decreasing of blood pressure to low figures is dangerous, especially for elderly patients.

Main aim of the treatment is to decrease blood pressure from 140/90. To improve Life prognosis is the aim that has a more significant meaning than character of drugs used to reach this aim. It is better to prescribe cheap and 'non-modern' drugs than don't treat the patient at all.

No matter the urgency, you still need a medical practitioner to advice on the drug to use. Some are contraindicated in asthma, while some impair renal perfusion, some affect male sexual function and some cannot be used during pregnancy. Not only that, the Medical practitioner needs to tell you the side effects of each drug to be used. Nevertheless, this should be done at the beginning or on the first incidence of this treatment therapy. Apply these basic principles and be sure to sustain a hypertensive patient for as long as it takes.